
Showing posts from May, 2016
Passages They say when one door closes another opens and I would like to believe that.  In the run up to my departure my thoughts return time and time again to my next door neighbors, Tye and Bob.  Tye is in the end stages of her struggle with cancer and it appears that I may be gone when that struggle ends.  While we were never real intimates we are certainly friends and I will truly miss her. A child of the Southwest, Tye is a lover of Mexican food and heaven knows, I am an honorary Mexican, having spent most of my life on the border.  Last fall on a cool morning, lured by the aroma wafting from my grill that heralds autumn in New Mexico, she joined me on our back patio, wig fluffed and eyebrows meticulously applied, while I roasted about forty pounds of Hatch green chile, a mere nine month supply for the Krupp's. We had a lovely visit and when she made her way across the yard between our homes she had her take home bag of long green with her. Each year at that time we ha
Is your world shrinking? It's raining this morning deep in the heart of beautiful Texas.  I am safely cocooned in my house, coffee cup resting near my lists of things to pack, things to do for Paul and possible gift ideas.  I open my computer and the headline screams, "Egyptian Air Flight Disappears", another reminder of the wider world in which we live. We all have bucket lists and we started to write them back when we were young and busy ferrying our children around to every possible enrichment event we could think of, saving for their education and funding for that rainy day called retirement.  Now that rainy day is here but terrorism, Islamist terrorism to be exact, has changed the world. They say timing is everything and hindsight suggests that leaving the boys at home with a case of Spaghettios and a rented lion tamer might have freed us up to go to Luxor.  Now, less than two weeks before my departure, I consider that there are places in the world I will never
Adapting When people of my vintage travel the tendency is to wax poetic about the good old days when all we needed was a spare pair of jeans, two camisoles and a windbreaker to swan our way through Europe, all the while looking effortlessly chic.  Well, those days are over! Times have changed and we have changed with it.  I begin by reminding you of a few very important items to pack for any upcoming trip.  No, I am not talking about your Passport, I'm talking about Aleve.  You never know when something is going to flare up or fall out of place.  Try and find some without those nurse-proof safety caps that require a hatchet to break into. In fact I'm a big fan of over-the-counter medication genre.  If there's a body part and they make an OTC pill for it I suggest packing some. I draw the line at antibiotics. Always let a professional prescribe those. We have family members who could stop an Ebola outbreak in its tracks with their personal stash. While we're on t