Sophia Loren, 81, once said, "There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."
Those are truly wise words. Of course, the beautiful Sophia can afford to be a bit more blasé about aging than, let's say, Janet Reno. But, I take these words to heart. We watch the youth, with their bella figura as they make the passagiata through the streets and at cafes, and we admire their beauty and style. But eventually there will be a chapter two for them also....if they are lucky.
We have been living in the jewel box that is Florence for three weeks. Around every corner there is a treasure. Last night, strolling back from the restaurant, I looked up and noticed this beautiful facade on one of the buildings. I have been on this street more times than I can count and this was the first time I had noticed it...unimaginable beauty and history at every turn.
So it is not only the opulence of the Pitti Palace and the trove of masterpieces at the Uffizi gallery that have shaped us this trip. Each little artisan, library, cemetery, fort and piazza have left their mark. Each splendid view, whether panoramic or a glimpse through a grille into a courtyard, has colored our world.
Our fellow travelers have been a wonderful cross section of companions. Without exception, they are well-read, well-traveled and have led interesting and fulfilling lives before beginning their chapter two. Daily, we learn something new about the them. A convivial and fun group, we have spent many a late evening on the loggia reliving our day and on this very evening enjoying the celebratory fireworks over Firenze.
Rigmor has been a great roommate. We have had wonderful girl fun shopping for ourselves and our families, sharing scarves and jewelry, splitting too generous meals. We are now known Le Suocere, the mothers-in-law, in school, at reception and at our favorite haunt in the mercato.
Our instructors have been wonderful, interesting and caring, gently correcting us and pushing us to grow our language skills. They have endeavored to make Italian come alive for us. Grazie Moira, Chiara and Giuseppe..
And, of course, there is our guide Simona. She was tireless in her quest to insure that everyone, irregardless of energy level had a wonderful time. Bus tours on free days were arranged, taxis and buses and mini-vans were booked or their routes explained and dinner reservations secured. No amount of map marking or suggestions for a free afternoon was too much. Simona was certainly a fountain of information on the hodgepodge of museum opening and closing times, and all the special quirks....every third Monday during a leap year it is closed....
The trip experience would have been far less enjoyable without her organization, her genuine interest and her wonderful personality. Grazie, Simona.
So we are closing the door on this experience but we are taking all the memories with us, indimenticabile!
Ciao a tutti!
Baci, baci, baci a tutti..................
A domani in Texas
Sophia Loren, 81, once said, "There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."
Those are truly wise words. Of course, the beautiful Sophia can afford to be a bit more blasé about aging than, let's say, Janet Reno. But, I take these words to heart. We watch the youth, with their bella figura as they make the passagiata through the streets and at cafes, and we admire their beauty and style. But eventually there will be a chapter two for them also....if they are lucky.
We have been living in the jewel box that is Florence for three weeks. Around every corner there is a treasure. Last night, strolling back from the restaurant, I looked up and noticed this beautiful facade on one of the buildings. I have been on this street more times than I can count and this was the first time I had noticed it...unimaginable beauty and history at every turn.
So it is not only the opulence of the Pitti Palace and the trove of masterpieces at the Uffizi gallery that have shaped us this trip. Each little artisan, library, cemetery, fort and piazza have left their mark. Each splendid view, whether panoramic or a glimpse through a grille into a courtyard, has colored our world.
Our fellow travelers have been a wonderful cross section of companions. Without exception, they are well-read, well-traveled and have led interesting and fulfilling lives before beginning their chapter two. Daily, we learn something new about the them. A convivial and fun group, we have spent many a late evening on the loggia reliving our day and on this very evening enjoying the celebratory fireworks over Firenze.
Rigmor has been a great roommate. We have had wonderful girl fun shopping for ourselves and our families, sharing scarves and jewelry, splitting too generous meals. We are now known Le Suocere, the mothers-in-law, in school, at reception and at our favorite haunt in the mercato.
Our instructors have been wonderful, interesting and caring, gently correcting us and pushing us to grow our language skills. They have endeavored to make Italian come alive for us. Grazie Moira, Chiara and Giuseppe..
The trip experience would have been far less enjoyable without her organization, her genuine interest and her wonderful personality. Grazie, Simona.
So we are closing the door on this experience but we are taking all the memories with us, indimenticabile!
Ciao a tutti!
Baci, baci, baci a tutti..................
A domani in Texas
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