Gearing up....the packing experience... This is always such a quandary....what to take and what to leave behind. We certainly have a lot of input from previous travelers and bloggers, but there is no perfect solution. Given that, we have just settled on a 26" suitcase for our checked luggage. We have packed...and the remaining unused room within that piece suggests that we have forgotten something really important. We keep look looking fearfully at each other while checking our handwritten lists but cannot imagine what we might have overlooked...So the suitcase has been zipped up, come what may. Of course, when I have to buy a hairbrush in Johannesburg or Paul discovers he is without razors we will have to suck it up and make the purchase. I am remembering the really sub-par eyebrow pencil bought in Rötthenberg and the less than attractive crew neck top embroidered with "Deutchland" ...